Volunteer Waiver
Thank you for volunteering with Communities for People (CFP). Please read and sign the following form before your volunteer activity begins. All information is required, and please try to print clearly.
Volunteer Information
Volunteer Agreement
As a volunteer, I release and hold harmless Communities for People, including their Board of Directors, partners, clients, and employees from all claims, costs, suits, actions, judgments or expenses upon any damage, loss, or injury to me or to my property which may arise from this volunteer event.
I acknowledge that I am fully aware of any risks posed by these volunteer activities, and that I have no medical condition that prevents me from engaging in them. I affirm that I am responsible for my medical bills if an injury or illness occurs. Further, I understand that CFP does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide me with financial or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability benefits or insurance of any nature in the event of my injury, illness, death, or damage to my property. I expressly waive any such claim for compensation or liability on the part of CFP.
I also give permission to be photographed and recorded by CFP, their partners, or the media for use in printed materials, online or through other media outlets in conjunction with my volunteerism.
I acknowledge and agree that activities I perform as part of this activity will be strictly on a voluntary basis, without any pay, compensation, or benefits. I agree and understand that the I must comply with the rules and regulations established by CFP and that failure to do so may result in my immediate removal as a volunteer.
I understand the importance of privacy when interacting with youth and families involved with CFP and will not photograph any clients who are not wearing a nametag. If I do take any photos of clients wearing name tags, I will not share those photos on social media without express permission. If I see a youth or family member who I met at a CFP event, I will leave it up to them to acknowledge me before interacting with them.
I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between CFP and myself and I sign it of my own free will.
Are you over 18? Yes No