Foster Care in Rhode Island
Communities for People is proud to offer specialized services for children, youth and families in Rhode Island who are in a Communities for People licensed foster home and need additional support or cannot be served in traditional foster homes. Most youth and families receive support through these programs for 3 – 9 months, with services starting within 48 hours of Communities for People receiving a referral from the Department of Children, Youth and Families. Youth and families receive face-to-face support every week, as well as additional remote meetings, and Communities for People is always available for emergency support 24/7 when needed.
Foster Parents
Communities for People’s specialized foster care program in Rhode Island is designed to serve children and youth from birth through their 20th birthday. We also serve as a family-based treatment setting for those leaving residential care and inpatient hospitalization. Eligible children and youth referred to the program typically require a higher level of care and supervision than is usually found in a traditional or kinship foster care placement.
Relief Foster Parents
Relief foster parents provide temporary, scheduled care for foster children, for just a weekend or short period of time. This gives the primary foster parents time to accommodate activities or events that, for any reason, cannot include their foster child while maintaining a supportive environment for the child.
Professional Foster Parents
Our professional foster parent program is a unique hybrid combining elements of therapeutic foster care and traditional group care for teens. This program is designed to work with youth whose behavioral presentations and severity of emotional needs previously precluded their placement in a family setting and require additional support before transition into generic foster home. These youth are not ready to go into specialized or traditional foster homes but do not require the intensity of the residential programs, and the goal is to help prepare them for a foster home, independent living, or a return home.
Committed, caring foster parents are desperately needed to provide temporary, loving homes to children who are not living with their families for a variety of reasons beyond their control. As a Communities for People foster care provider, you will receive on-going training, support and guidance before and during your placement. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, click here to fill out the RI Foster Care Interest Form and we will be in touch about next steps! Inquiry is not a commitment, it’s just the beginning of a conversation that may change your life – just ask Frank, Dottie, Kathy and Andy!