Services de développement de la jeunesse – RI

Youth Development Services (YDS) Program is an exciting program to provide transition-age youth with additional support to help develop life skills as they are transitioning out of state care. Services include life skill and vocational assessments, financial literacy education, matched savings account, mentor connections, career/work readiness services, youth advisory group (SPEAK) participation and more. All YDS programs are designed to create a safe space for youth to receive support from adults and peers, and develop meaningful, trusting relationships.
CFP staff work with community partners statewide to maximize opportunities for youth, y compris:
Le mentorat est une relation mutuellement enrichissante pour les jeunes et les mentors bénévoles.. The vision of Impact is that all youth will leave state care with positive, des liens permanents avec les adultes et des options pour un avenir prospère.
Impact is designed to provide support and encouragement to youth ages 16-20 en soins de substitution grâce à des contacts réguliers avec un modèle adulte positif de la communauté. Ces adultes sont à l'écoute des préoccupations des jeunes avec lesquels ils sont mis en relation., aidez-les à développer des compétences en résolution de problèmes, et fournir des informations et des conseils pertinents ; encourager l’auto-représentation et l’autonomie à la maison, à l'école, sur le lieu de travail, et au-delà.
- Un engagement d'au moins un an envers le jeune mentoré.
- 1 heure par semaine ou 4 heures par mois engagement de temps.
- Meetings can be in person or virtual, dependent on the needs of the youth.
Après réception de la demande, un employé vous contactera pour discuter de la candidature et des prochaines étapes, y compris une vérification des antécédents. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please fill out our volunteer interest form.
Financial Literacy and Vocational Training
Youth work with our staff and designated partners to learn:
- How to manage money
- Increase savings
- Utilize financial resources to build financial security
- Career exploration and career readiness
- How to search for a job
- How to stand out at an applicant and present in an interview
Youth between the ages of 16 – 24 can participate in the state-wide SPEAK Advisory Board. This is an opportunity pour youth to express their feedback regarding their lived experiences in the foster care system. These, in turn help promote system and policy changes within the Department of Children Jeunesse et Families and impact decisions regarding the current child welfare system. SPEAK meetings are held every other week in the Providence Area, and transportation is provided si nécessaire. Participating youth receive payment for their time and expertise. Participation not only allows youth to have a say in programs that have a real impact on their lives, it also helps participants develop advocacy, public speaking et other social skills they can use indefinitely, providing them with opportunities to grow professionally and emotionally.
Match Savings
Upon completion of a financial literacy class, participants become eligible pour Double Up, our matched savings program. We will help set up a bank account et match saved funds up to $1,000 to go towards approved purchases such as cars, educational costs, home goods, legal fees, employment training, entrepreneurial costs and more. Double-Up provides youth with support from Communities for People to help them achieve their financial goals now and better prepare them for the future by helping youth understand the importance of saving.
YDS is proud to partner with several community partners who help ensure support is always available, even as they enter adulthood:
Funded by the Rhode Island Department of Children, Jeunesse & Families