Programmes résidentiels – MA

Communities for People’s array of community living programs provide children and youth as young as thirteen and up to their 22sd birthday with support that promotes individual empowerment and prepares them for adulthood. All our community living programs are designed to simulate the experience of living independently as part of a community. These programs are particularly important for preparing youth for either returning home or living independently.

These programs adhere to a strong child- and family-centered philosophy that is respectful of the trauma the youth we serve have experienced in their homes, communities, and involvement in the child welfare system. We incorporate this approach throughout all treatment planning. Young people in our care will work with their team from Communities for People and their community supports to come up individualized goals for their time in residential programing, but the overall goal of these programs is to help ensure everyone:

  • Develops real-life problem-solving skills
  • Creates permanent adult connections in our community
  • Prepares for employment and career opportunities by achieving their vocational and educational goals, et plus

The youth, their social worker or case worker, and their family are invited to meet with the program treatment team to review the program services and structure and create a clear plan to support family reunification or independence in the community.

Résidence d'urgence – The Village

Our Emergency Residence program, “the Village”, is a 45-day intensive community-based residential program to help stabilize male-identified teens between the ages of 12 – 17. Some have experienced abuse, neglect, violence, or homelessness. They may have run away, been forced out of their homes, or have found themselves in the midst of a crisis. Teens in this program come from different places throughout the state – home, famille d'accueil, other group or residential homes, juvenile correction, hospitals, or the street. The one thing they all have in common is that they need a safe place to stay with the support of caring adults.

The Village can be accessed only through the Department of Children and Families (DFC) staff. Communities for People accepts referrals 24/7 and will not turn down any referred child as long as we have a bed.

Once referred, we quickly assess a child’s needs and provide guidance to DCF to ensure they are placed in appropriate homes moving forward, whether that is through family reunification or an alternative option. We provide a safe, nurturing environment with a structured daily routine, advocacy and coordination when needed for education or health services. We also work to maintain the child’s connection to his community resources, whether that be family, école, therapy, a medical team or other positive and consistent influences, and ensure family visitation and engagement is available. If a child needs additional services, we will provide referrals for other community-based services.

Community Treatment Residence

Community-based residential programs are for teens with a history of emotional and/or behavioral issues and disruptive relationships. This program is designed to provide clinical and case management support in a group setting.

Youth within these programs may move on to one of our Independent Living Programs in order to further develop their skills.

This program is for youth involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Department of Youth Services (DYS) and/or Department of Mental Health (DMH).

Learning Independence by Fostering Empowerment (LIFE)

LIFE is a community-based residential program for male-identifying youth who are working to transition into the community and/or preparing to discharge out of the Department of Youth Services (DYS) care.

This site is designed to provide youth with an opportunity to access a rich variety of community resources, including medical, dental, educational, santé mentale, and vocational services. The treatment team provides a full range of case management and clinical services including advocacy, service planning/delivery, referral coordination, individual and group counseling, and a variety of crisis intervention services. Length of stay varies based on individual needs.

Young Adult Supportive Living CommunityThe “Dorm

Our Dorm Program is designed to be a midpoint between group home living and independent living for youth ages 18 – 22. Eligible youth have shown progress in skill development but are not fully prepared for an outreach supported living program. Youth typically are involved in school or work and are seeking to prepare for adulthood.

Due to circumstances beyond their control, youth in this program are not able to be reunified with family or other lifelong connections, and adoption is not an option.

This program is for youth involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and/or Department of Youth Services (DYS).


